Mastering Leadership Mindshifts

Explore the four crucial mindshifts that empower leaders to excel in today's dynamic business landscape.

These mindshifts aren't just theory; they're the keys to unlocking your leadership potential, and they're rooted in extensive research. They're proprietary to humcollective's Sensitivity Paradigm™, designed to make you more agile, innovative, and capable of navigating the complexities of today's business landscape. They equip you to drive organizational success in the face of constant change.


Why mindshifts matter and how they fit into The Sensitivity Paradigm™. (5 minutes)

Mindshift #1: From Predict to Adjust

  • Learn to embrace the art of adaptation and rapid learning

  • Say goodbye to rigid plans and hello to real-time adjustments

  • Discover how success depends on your ability to pivot when the winds of change blow


A New Mental Model: Cognitive Agility


  • Cognitive agility is a crucial skill in today's rapidly changing world, defined as the ability to think quickly and effectively in new and challenging situations.

  • Individuals with high cognitive agility learn quickly, solve problems creatively, adapt to change, manage stress, and make sound decisions, making it valuable in the workplace.

  • Factors influencing cognitive agility include parenting (parents are 2.3x more likely to have high cognitive agility), certain occupations, culture (both national and organizational), and personality traits like openness, adaptability, and curiosity.

  • Examples of cognitive agility in the workplace include managers adapting to changes in company strategy, salespeople handling customer objections, and engineers finding creative solutions to problems.


Mental Model: Cognitive Agility (10 minutes)

Two Thinking Tools

Making a decision right vs. making the “right” decision (10 minutes)

Inversion (10 minutes)

Mindshift #2: From Simplicity to Nuance

  • Don't oversimplify complex issues; dive into the intricacies of emergent situations.

  • Success lies in understanding the details that others may overlook.

  • Uncover strategies to navigate complex issues effectively.

A New Mental Model: Curiosity Instinct


  • Curiosity as a fundamental human instinct essential for creativity, innovation, and breaking out of established patterns. Cultivating a curiosity instinct is a counterbalance to the brain's inclination for simplicity.

  • Amidst the rise of AI, focusing on curiosity, rather than just creativity, is useful to navigate the changing landscape effectively. Knowledge work's diminishing utility is discussed in the context of AI, emphasizing the need for nuanced thinking and leveraging AI-produced knowledge.

  • The link between curiosity, innocence, and beginner's mind is explored, highlighting their role in fostering creativity and innovation. The relationship between curiosity and cognitive is underscored.

  • Five dimensions of curiosity are outlined, including joyous exploration, social curiosity, stress tolerance, deprivation sensitivity, and thrill-seeking.

  • Dr. Keltner's research on the "eight wonders of life" is introduced, showcasing various ways humans experience curiosity and wonder in everyday life.


Mental Model: Curiosity Instinct (20 minutes)

Two Thinking Tools

Multi-Factor Thinking (5 minutes)

Divergent Thinking (10 minutes)

Mindshift #3: From Data to Insight

  • Data alone won't cut it. Seek insights that go beyond the numbers.

  • Understand the "why" behind the data and the emotions and observations that truly drive decisions.

  • Learn how to make informed decisions backed by insightful data.

A New Mental Model: Subjective Understanding


  • Moving from data to insight necessitates a shift in the mental model from believing in absolute truth to valuing subjectivity understanding within the organization.

  • Humans tend to overgeneralize, leading to the fundamental attribution error when interpreting data, creating stereotypes and beliefs about people or situations.

  • Workplace challenges, such as hiring decisions, highlight the difficulty in understanding a person's true behavior based solely on interviews, emphasizing the need for a contextual understanding of behavior.

  • Insights are generated through a combination of curiosity, creativity, prior knowledge, and experiences. Deliberate play, blank space, calmness, sleep, and reflection also play crucial roles in fostering insightful thinking.


Mental Model: Subjective Understanding (15 minutes)

Two Thinking Tools

Thick Data (10 minutes)

Intuition (10 minutes)

Mindshift #4: From Linear to Indirect

  • In a world of uncertainty, embrace non-linear paths.

  • Don't wait for a clear road – take action even when the path is unclear.

  • Discover how innovation blossoms through these winding journeys.

A New Mental Model: Emergence


  • The transition from linear thinking, where everything is perceived as cause and effect, to embracing emergence as a natural property in organizations and life is crucial. Emergence is the process of something new and novel arising from the shared interactions of irreducible parts.

  • Ant colonies as emergent. Ants, through self-organization and simple rules, create intricate ant hills, and cities evolve through the emergent interactions of millions of individuals, challenging the notion of central control.

  • Key characteristics of emergent phenomena, include non-linearity, self-organization, dynamic motion, feedback loops, and complexity. These characteristics contribute to the challenge of understanding and predicting emergent outcomes in complex systems.

  • In the context of organizations, decentralization and the leveraging of collective intelligence are ways to embrace emergence. Decentralized structures allow for the adaptation, while leveraging collective intelligence allows us to embrace diverse perspectives.


Mental Model: Emergence (10 minutes)

Two Thinking Tools

Trend Watching (10 minutes)

Emergent Implications (5 minutes)